‘STEAM Thinking for ALL!’
Sessions to teach educators how to expand STEAM thinking
From argument-driven inquiry to zSpace technology, this year’s summer STEAM Institute offers a variety of professional development opportunities for Douglas County educators.
The institute will be Aug. 12-15 at Umpqua Community College and will feature sessions for teachers of all grade levels. This year’s theme is “STEAM Thinking for ALL!” The institute is organized by Douglas County Partners for Student Success and the Umpqua Valley STEAM Hub.
“With this year’s theme, we wanted to emphasize that it’s possible to expand STEAM thinking into every corner of Douglas County,” said Gwen Soderberg-Chase, DCPSS and STEAM Hub director. “Every student in our county deserves to have access to the types of tools that develop skills around science, technology, engineering, artistic innovation and math – skills that are in high demand in the workforce.”

The latest registration form is available at https://forms.gle/TLzLrYN9CwvGS15k7 . Sessions are split into three sections: PreK – Grade 3; Grades 4-6; and Middle/High School.
Sessions geared toward Pre-K and primary grades will teach educators how to host Family STEAM Nights, how to incorporate STEAM activities into early childhood education, how to incorporate robotics into their curriculum and more.
Some of the sessions for upper elementary educators will focus on tools available in the Umpqua Valley STEAM Hub’s Resource Lending Library, expanding the use of the Oregon Connections online career-connections tool, and integrating NGSS standards with natural resource topics.
Middle and high school educators can choose from a variety of session topics as well, such as Argument-Driven Inquiry as a model for STEAM investigations, zSpace technology and Vernier technology.
DCPSS is able to provide a $75 stipend for each half day attended, to a maximum of $300, and professional development units will be offered.
Email umpquavalleysteamhub@gmail.com if you have any questions.
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