Summertime is STEAM/CTE time

Summertime is STEAM/CTE time Summer is the perfect time to learn and develop STEAM skills Summer is almost here, and that means long, warm days with the kids at home. Luckily, Douglas County’s education world offers dozens of ways to get youth out of the house and having


Welcome resource

Welcome resource

Welcome resource Meyer grant offers opportunity for local youth, economy Career-connected learning opportunities for Douglas County youth got a huge boost in November with the announcement of a Meyer Memorial Trust grant of nearly $250,000 to Umpqua Community College, in partnership with Douglas County Partners for Student Success.


Pass the menu

Pass the menu

Pass the menu Educators can thrive on courses offered at the STEAM Summer Institute It’s called the STEAM Summer Institute, but STEAM Smorgasbord would be an accurate way to describe the collection of courses taking place Aug. 14-18, mostly at Umpqua Community College. That’s true for two reasons.